Generative UI Prototype #7: new UI and output details
Last time I finished setting up all the tools and built an environment that allows me to play around with the prototype. Therefore, I started to focus on polishing and adding more functionality which would generated a larger and more diverse amount of UI combinations. Whenever I got stuck in the algorithm details, I went back to building a better UI. Seeing the chaos machine take shape and learning how to build different elements, boosted my morale and pushed me forward.
First, I fixed the letter spacing parameter, since combinations were not considering all possibilities given in the letter-spacing range. I was simply using the [index] value of another parameter(facepalm). Afterwards I finished the capitalization parameter, which allows dynamic change of all button combinations to be displayed in three ways: all caps, title caps or no caps.
Afterwards I turned my attention to displaying each button’s property. Generically speaking, the chaos machine is useless if one cannot pick up and compare different combinations’ properties. In the previous post I struggled with using a tooltip and eventually moved towards a pop-over. These can hold more information and don’t disappear on hover. Unfortunately, I only got so far after quite a few frustrating iterations in which I did not manage to access the newly created button elements from the script. Here are some of my franpopsteins:
I either got hold of the right data and didn’t manage to show the popover, or showed the pop-over in a chaotic way. Enough is enough…I’ll get back to this later. For now a combinations’ property will be shown as a simple text in the output area. The only thing left is to format those properties in a readable manner; once again I spent hours searching for a basic line of code — this shows how painful it is to not be a professional and missing the basics…
document.getElementById('output-text').innerHTML = s.split('\n').join('<br />');
This is the culprit. Displaying those properties in new lines gave me a harder time and getting the properties themselves.
There is clear and simple function to set which properties to display, based on the selected object — for now, buttons. As mentioned before, I’ve been working on the UI while struggling with all these things.
The last iteration can be seen live as well:
I’m also continuing conversations about involving UI in the high fidelity design process. A fellow designer said something rather interesting
“We humans design for humans. Our imperfections make for things to be unique and innovative - Debashish Banerjee.
Interesting stuff I read
Google AI article about deep learning and crowdsourcing used to create an AI software able to analyze whether a designed UI element will be tappable or not:
Still To do:
- Set typeface and font weight as parameters
- Show properties in a better way
- Keep Generate and Delete buttons always visible at bottom
- Think about sorting and filtering
- Light and dark mode css
- Make combinations selectable and add them to a separate filtered list